Friday, May 14, 2010

On my way!

I took my first malaria pill of many today. I'm waiting to see if my body responds well or gives me horrific nightmares on the plane tonight. I am taking gravol to knock me out, so hopefully that will help. I have three bags packed. One for on the plane that is essentially a mobile pharmacy. One for cargo, jammed full of clothing, sunscreen, soap, books, and more medications. One for Abdul-Malik, filled with a soccer ball, baseball gloves, skipping ropes, a frisbee, baseball cap, and school supplies. I'm also taking syrup to give out when I visit chiefs and the homes of community members (we'll see if this works out-apparently the chiefs usually expect liquor). I still need to purchase a mosquito net-they aren't sold in Canada because the chemical used to treat them (permethrin) is illegal in Canada. I'm hoping I can grab one at the airport. Otherwise I'll get one once I'm in Hohoe.
Aside from packing "stuff" I have spent the last two weeks packing in time with friends and family. I didn't get to see everyone, but almost everyone! My best friend Britt organized an awesome dinner with a bunch of friends for me a week ago. I was so surprised and so happy to see everyone who came! I am lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends- I will miss you all very much!
Well, I am off! My flight leaves in 6 hours. I arrive in Frankfurt, Germany at 8:00 tomorrow morning. At 10:00 I board my flight to Accra. At 2:50 I arrive in Ghana. Can't believe this is actually happening. I will post as soon as possible after I arrive.
Thank you so much for all of the support and kind words! Keep following :)


  1. You're so amazing Jess! I'm so proud of you for persevering, and now your dream of Ghana is coming true! I can't wait to read about your adventures! I'll be sending you my good vibes (from across the world!)

  2. Oh Jess! I hope that your journey went really well and that you are starting to settle in. I can't wait to hear more about what you get up to! keep smiling :)

  3. Hi Baby,
    Thinking of you with love.

  4. i took maple syrup the first time i came here. it was a big hit. hope the chiefs like it :)
