Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's time to smile!

I am only hours away from completing my first year of university and only days away from stepping on African soil. I can't believe it, but it's happening.

The goodbyes have already started and I'm trying my best to keep sadness out of them. I am so excited to hear about all of the wonderful things my friends and family members have planned for their summers and for next fall (if you are blogging about your summer send me the link!). Wherever everyone ends up I can only hope that we stay in touch and continue to bring happiness into each other's lives.

I tore apart my room in residence and packed it all away. The walls are once again reduced to a depressing beige and the room no longer feels like home. (Hopefully Talitha will spruce it up again when she moves in on Saturday!) I'm coming back to rez in the fall, which I was not overly happy with at first. However, I get to spend another year with Yasmin (one of my awesome roommates) and the location can't be beat! It was also really liberating to discard of course outlines, course packs, and useless notes about the economy--I would strongly suggest that everyone finishing university for the summer take a moment to cleanse themselves of paperwork and just breathe.

I am BROKE. My credit card is maxed-out and I have a phone bill to pay (note that I currently do not own a phone either). I have enough money to buy some supplies, get through a couple days in Peterborough, and to get into the compound in Hohoe. That's it. I have applied for a line of credit but I still haven't heard anything back. I'm also waiting to be reimbursed for three different vaccinations that totaled over $500. The financial piece really needs to sort itself out quickly so I can focus on other things. On the upside, my father generously donated $1000 to the cost of my trip and the Loran foundation is also sponsoring me! I'm also waiting on sponsorships from a couple other sources and I have a slight surplus in my CCS account, so I suppose I really shouldn't be worried--the money is around, it just isn't in my pocket yet! Thank you again to everyone who has sponsored me so far--without you I wouldn't be pumped full of these expensive medications, have a passport, visa, or plane ticket! Your kindness prepared me, and now I promise to spread your caring into Ghanaian communities!

I leave Ottawa on Saturday afternoon to return to my real homes with my mom, my sister, my father, and my best animal buddy- Zack! I look forward to visiting with friends in the delicious and inexpensive coffee shops and restaurants (something Ottawa still struggles to provide for starving students). I look forward to taking bubble baths (tubs are unheard of in residence). I look forward to having a home-cooked meal prepared FOR me (instead of for me and BY me). I look forward to doing laundry for free (instead of paying $2.00 a load). I look forward to running around in the backyard with Zack (no backyards in residence) and sitting on the deck with a beer (no decks either). Most of all, I look forward to being able to hug my mother, sister, and father (something not so easy to do through the phone). It seems the longer I am away, the more I appreciate all the simple things home has to offer--especially the hugs.

After only 12 days in Peterborough it will be time to pack up again. My feelings about this right now are complicated. I'm sad because I will be leaving the people I love. I'm excited because I have been waiting to travel to Africa for years now. And I'm scared. I'm so scared. My dream is finally coming true, but I really have no idea of what to expect--will Ghana be anything like the place I envision in my head? Will Ghana help me answer any of the questions about life that I have floating around in my head? How much will it hurt to leave after I establish relationships there? Will my health hold out this time? Is this trip really going to happen? I think the fear is just a result of my excitement not knowing what to do with itself. I flip back and forth from being elated to panicked. I just need to get on that plane--then I will know for sure this isn't just a dream.

Two hours until I write my last exam of first year...

16 days until I'm in Africa...

Somebody pinch me already.

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