Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Round 2!

I am now onto my second round of antibiotic treatment (another 10 days), as I failed to respond to the first round. I had an upper GI completed at the hospital, and the results came back normal. My small bowel follow-through has been rescheduled because a doctor at the hospital suggested that drinking more barium would probably not help my condition- so thankful for this, chugging barium is one of the grossest things I have ever had to do.
I finally contacted the gastroenterologist (basically a doctor who specializes in digestion) and his secretary apologized that we had not heard from her because she had not had time to get around to looking at the pile of 75 referrals sent through to them in the last month. Swell. Anyway, I hope to hear from their office in the near future so that we can actually start looking at the REAL problem.
In the meantime I have written to my sponsored child in Ghana, Abdul-Malik, to let him know I will not be able to make it this year. As difficult as this was my spirits were lifted by the progress report we received on him that said he is very healthy and doing well in school. Way to go Abdul-Malik! I told him that I hoped very much to reschedule my trip in the near future.
I have some good days and some bad days. Yesterday was pretty normal- I was able to get up and go downtown, do some volunteer work and visit with friends- despite feeling a little light headed and not having much of an appetite. Today was a down day however. I went into bed at around 7:00 PM last night and was only able to get up about an hour ago to eat. Hopefully tomorrow will be better :)
Some good news- my friend Ingrid has safely arrived home from Kenya so I will have the chance to visit with her soon and hear many stories about the place I long to visit!

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