Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Third time is a charm... Or so they say

Wonderful news! I beat the c. diff! ...then last Thursday it came back with a vengeance. However, because the flagell obviously doesn't work for me, my doctor prescribed me vancomycin. At first I was disappointed at the thought of more antibiotics, especially because vancomycin is so expensive and I had been informed that I could only take it by way of cutting open an I.V. bag and drinking the fluid inside; four times a day no less. But! My doctor found out they now have vancomycin in capsule form! Yay! Annnd, the list of side effects is way shorter than for flagell. Pretty much the only one I have experienced is a high-pitched ringing in my ears on and off. I still have a ton of energy and symptoms are already disappearing. I think I may finally be winning!

I also have an appointment with a gastroenterologist on June 8th, so I can begin testing for different ailments and get one step closer to feeling 100% again. Until then I'm trying to eat well, exercise every day, and get lots of rest. I would like to book an appointment with a naturopath as well (kind of like a second opinion- I've heard really good things about them from my friends!)

Ingrid is home safe and sound. I was able to spend some time with her last week, which was wonderful. The next person I have to welcome home is my friend Graeme. He spent the last three months in Tanzania with Cross Cultural Solutions (the same organization I plan to volunteer with) and had some incredible life experiences. I can't wait to see him :)